Biomaximo MaxNutri Organic Superfood Blend - A-Z Multi-Nutrient Formula
Review: 5 - "A masterpiece of literature" by , written on May 4, 2006
I really enjoyed this book. It captures the essential challenge people face as they try make sense of their lives and grow to adulthood.
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Biomaximo MaxNutri Organic Superfood Blend - A-Z Multi-Nutrient Formula

About Biomaximo Supperfood Blend with Minerals Formula 

Our Superfood Blend with Minerals Formula is a Soil Association certified organic and vegan whole food supplement. It contains some of the most nutrient-dense ingredients that nature has to offer in one easy-to-swallow capsule.

All ingredients are in their natural food form and balanced state, which is easily absorbed by the body compared to synthetic vitamins. Our formula also offers a broad spectrum of essential nutrients, including phytochemicals, dietary fibre, beneficial oils, and vitamins and minerals required for the body.

Biomaximo organic Superfood Blend with Minerals Formula contains over 35 food ingredients PLUS bio-active enzymes. 

Eleven green foods: Pre-sprouted activated barley, wheat grass, quinoa, barley grass, alfalfa, Seagreens® Ascophyllum (kelp), spirulina, barley grass juice, wheat grass juice, chlorella and nettle.

Eight fruits and berries: Acai berry, bilberry fruit, baobab fruit pulp, lacuma fruit, Acerola cherry, bilberry extract, blueberry and cranberry.

Seven vegetables: Beet, carrot, tomato, kale, parsley, green cabbage and spinach leaf.
Two herbs and seeds: Linseed/flaxseed and turmeric.

Seven sprouts and mushrooms PLUS bio-active enzymes: Kale sprout, broccoli sprout, reishi mushroom, cordyceps mushroom, shiitake mushroom, cauliflower sprout, maitake mushroom, protease, amylase, bromelain, cellulase, lactase, papain and lipase.

Beneficial for: 

  • Optimum health
  • Organic, vegan nutrition
  • People with malnutrition (diet does not contain the right amount of nutrients)
  • Energy levels
  • Detoxification
  • Body alkalising
  • Antioxidant levels
  • Digestive health
  • Hormonal balance
  • Stress
  • A healthy metabolism

About Biomaximo Supperfood Blend with Minerals Formula 

Our Superfood Blend with Minerals Formula is a Soil Association certified organic and vegan whole food supplement. It contains some of the most nutrient-dense ingredients that nature has to offer in one easy-to-swallow capsule.

All ingredients are in their natural food form and balanced state, which is easily absorbed by the body compared to synthetic vitamins. Our formula also offers a broad spectrum of essential nutrients, including phytochemicals, dietary fibre, beneficial oils, and vitamins and minerals required for the body.

Biomaximo organic Superfood Blend with Minerals Formula contains over 35 food ingredients PLUS bio-active enzymes. 

Eleven green foods: Pre-sprouted activated barley, wheat grass, quinoa, barley grass, alfalfa, Seagreens® Ascophyllum (kelp), spirulina, barley grass juice, wheat grass juice, chlorella and nettle.

Eight fruits and berries: Acai berry, bilberry fruit, baobab fruit pulp, lacuma fruit, Acerola cherry, bilberry extract, blueberry and cranberry.

Seven vegetables: Beet, carrot, tomato, kale, parsley, green cabbage and spinach leaf.
Two herbs and seeds: Linseed/flaxseed and turmeric.

Seven sprouts and mushrooms PLUS bio-active enzymes: Kale sprout, broccoli sprout, reishi mushroom, cordyceps mushroom, shiitake mushroom, cauliflower sprout, maitake mushroom, protease, amylase, bromelain, cellulase, lactase, papain and lipase.

Beneficial for: 

  • Optimum health
  • Organic, vegan nutrition
  • People with malnutrition (diet does not contain the right amount of nutrients)
  • Energy levels
  • Detoxification
  • Body alkalising
  • Antioxidant levels
  • Digestive health
  • Hormonal balance
  • Stress
  • A healthy metabolism

Take 1 or 2 capsules, 1 to 3 times per day or as advised. Take up to 16 capsules per day, depending upon your requirements.

Do not exceed the recommended daily intake. Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied diet and healthy lifestyle. Consult your doctor before taking any supplement or changing your diet.




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Customer Reviews

Based on 8 reviews

I bought this supplement for my 16 years old son who doesn't like eating at all. It has been about 4 weeks and I think it is making a difference. His petite has increased slightly so he is eating more so I'm glad to see the expected results. He hasn't said anything about the taste so I assume that is ok. So, so far so good.

Alexis Oliver

Nice and definitely natural.


I have been taking this supplement for years; it noticeably increases my energy level without any side effect. Unfortunately it stops working after 3-4 weeks, then need to take a break from it and start again in a few weeks time.

Have you seen the Jack-in-the-Green?

A little pricey, but I like the idea that this is a multivitamin supplement with food-form ingredients that will be less harsh on your body, and easier for it to process. I have often suspected that conventional vitamin tablets do little other than make you produce expensive urine. It's a bit inconvenient taking lots of these tablets several times a day, but even a couple of tablets in the evening feels like it's helping my energy levels and immune system.


Organic, non-GMO, decent ingredients and made in Britain - no complaints! You can open the synthetic capsules (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose) and consume the powder if you want to avoid swallowing the capsule. The capsules themselves are vegetarian and the powder is vegan.


If you dont have the time (or the inclination) to juice your own vegetables this is the answer! We do juice but sometimes time constraints get in the way and now we dont have to miss out on our nutrition.

Customer Reviews

Based on 8 reviews

I bought this supplement for my 16 years old son who doesn't like eating at all. It has been about 4 weeks and I think it is making a difference. His petite has increased slightly so he is eating more so I'm glad to see the expected results. He hasn't said anything about the taste so I assume that is ok. So, so far so good.

Alexis Oliver

Nice and definitely natural.


I have been taking this supplement for years; it noticeably increases my energy level without any side effect. Unfortunately it stops working after 3-4 weeks, then need to take a break from it and start again in a few weeks time.

Have you seen the Jack-in-the-Green?

A little pricey, but I like the idea that this is a multivitamin supplement with food-form ingredients that will be less harsh on your body, and easier for it to process. I have often suspected that conventional vitamin tablets do little other than make you produce expensive urine. It's a bit inconvenient taking lots of these tablets several times a day, but even a couple of tablets in the evening feels like it's helping my energy levels and immune system.


Organic, non-GMO, decent ingredients and made in Britain - no complaints! You can open the synthetic capsules (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose) and consume the powder if you want to avoid swallowing the capsule. The capsules themselves are vegetarian and the powder is vegan.


If you dont have the time (or the inclination) to juice your own vegetables this is the answer! We do juice but sometimes time constraints get in the way and now we dont have to miss out on our nutrition.