Biomaximo High Strength Colon Cleanser
Review: 5 - "A masterpiece of literature" by , written on May 4, 2006
I really enjoyed this book. It captures the essential challenge people face as they try make sense of their lives and grow to adulthood.
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Biomaximo High Strength Colon Cleanser


Nuestra póliza tiene una duración de 60 días. Si han pasado 60 días desde su compra, lamentablemente no podemos ofrecerle un reembolso o cambio.

Para ser elegible para una devolución, su artículo debe estar sin usar y en las mismas condiciones en que lo recibió. También debe estar en el embalaje original.

El comprador pagará el envío de devolución.

Varios tipos de bienes están exentos de ser devueltos. Los productos perecederos como alimentos, flores, periódicos o revistas no se pueden devolver. Tampoco aceptamos productos que sean artículos íntimos o sanitarios, materiales peligrosos o líquidos o gases inflamables.

Artículos adicionales no retornables:
Tarjetas de regalo
Productos de software descargables
Algunos artículos de salud y cuidado personal

Para completar su devolución, requerimos un recibo o comprobante de compra.

Por favor, no devuelva su compra al fabricante.

Hay ciertas situaciones en las que solo se otorgan reembolsos parciales (si corresponde)
Libro con evidentes signos de uso.
CD, DVD, cinta VHS, software, videojuego, cinta de casete o disco de vinilo que se haya abierto
Cualquier artículo que no esté en su estado original, esté dañado o le falten piezas por razones que no se deban a un error nuestro
Cualquier artículo que se devuelva más de 30 días después de la entrega

Reembolsos (si corresponde)
Una vez que se reciba e inspeccione su devolución, le enviaremos un correo electrónico para notificarle que hemos recibido su artículo devuelto. También le notificaremos la aprobación o rechazo de su reembolso.
Si se aprueba, se procesará su reembolso y se aplicará automáticamente un crédito a su tarjeta de crédito o método de pago original, dentro de una cierta cantidad de días.

Reembolsos atrasados o faltantes (si corresponde)
Si aún no ha recibido un reembolso, primero verifique su cuenta bancaria nuevamente.
Luego, comuníquese con la compañía de su tarjeta de crédito, puede tomar algún tiempo antes de que se publique oficialmente su reembolso.
A continuación, póngase en contacto con su banco. A menudo hay algún tiempo de procesamiento antes de que se publique un reembolso.
Si ha hecho todo esto y aún no ha recibido su reembolso, contáctenos en

Artículos en oferta (si corresponde)
Solo se pueden reembolsar los artículos de precio regular, lamentablemente los artículos en oferta no se pueden reembolsar.

Intercambios (si corresponde)
Solo reemplazamos artículos si están defectuosos o dañados. Si necesita cambiarlo por el mismo artículo, envíenos un correo electrónico a

Si el artículo se marcó como regalo cuando se compró y se le envió directamente, recibirá un crédito de regalo por el valor de su devolución. Una vez que se reciba el artículo devuelto, se le enviará por correo un certificado de regalo.

Si el artículo no se marcó como un regalo cuando se compró, o si el obsequio envió el pedido para entregárselo a usted más tarde, le enviaremos un reembolso al obsequio y él se enterará de su devolución.

Para devolver o cambiar su producto, envíenos un correo electrónico a

Usted será responsable de pagar sus propios costos de envío para devolver su artículo. Los gastos de envío no son reembolsables. Si recibe un reembolso, el costo del envío de devolución se deducirá de su reembolso.

Dependiendo de dónde viva, el tiempo que puede tardar en llegarle el producto intercambiado puede variar.

Si envía un artículo de más de $ 75, debe considerar usar un servicio de envío rastreable o comprar un seguro de envío. No garantizamos que recibiremos su artículo devuelto.


Customer Reviews

Based on 12 reviews

Very effective - did cause stomach cramps but definately works!

Carol Cope-Knowles

Works wonderfully tried numerous laxatives that either cause cramps and no show or just the opposite.

Patricia Legge

I have used this item for several years off and on, I found that they are the only thing that works for me. Being on several types of medication I find it can play havoc with my digestive system hence these are amazing. I take them every night and if I am feeling extremely sluggish then I will take a couple through the day. but generally find that 3 at bedtime is sufficient but that is for me and I would recommend anyone to find their own level of dosage. Thank you.

Linda Dignan

As someone who has suffered with poor digestion all of my life since teenage years, finding this product with the help of a colonic therapist has literally transformed how I feel. I struggled to go to the loo once a week and have gone 3 weeks without going, needless to say I felt terrible with constant headaches, depression among other things. My diet is pretty good and I am health conscious but can admit I probably don't drink enough water, since I started taking thissupplement I feel great and can recommend it to anyone who lives with constipation.

Mr. J. Miller

Arrived Monday morning...Took 1st Cap monday night...Nothing happened Tuesday..Took another tuesday night...6.50am all hell broke loose..problem was i didn`t get out of bed until 6.55am (just kidding). Overall very effective capsules...Would recommend. Ok, now i`ve finished the 1st bottle..2 at night and 1 1st thing in the morning. I have to say these are great and i would highly recommend. I`m just about to order another bottle. I have noticed on the odd occasion i do get a little stomach cramping, but apart from this minor niggle, 100% great. What i ate yesterday, leaves me within 24 hours. Although I haven`t lost any weight, my body fat is down around 2% in a month. I haven`t changed my diet or training schedule atall. All abdominal bloating has ceased, my wife says my skin is looking healthier and i feel pretty good in general. Hope this little bit of info helps you decide whether or not to purchase.


I have suffered from constiaption/bloating/flatulence for many years. I came across this product and i have to say its excellent. I take 1 tablet 3 times a day. 3 days a go i was 8.5st and now im 8.1st. I never leave reviews but this is excellent. I feel lighter, healthier and im full of energy. even my fiance has noticed my weight loss which is an added bonus.

Customer Reviews

Based on 12 reviews

Very effective - did cause stomach cramps but definately works!

Carol Cope-Knowles

Works wonderfully tried numerous laxatives that either cause cramps and no show or just the opposite.

Patricia Legge

I have used this item for several years off and on, I found that they are the only thing that works for me. Being on several types of medication I find it can play havoc with my digestive system hence these are amazing. I take them every night and if I am feeling extremely sluggish then I will take a couple through the day. but generally find that 3 at bedtime is sufficient but that is for me and I would recommend anyone to find their own level of dosage. Thank you.

Linda Dignan

As someone who has suffered with poor digestion all of my life since teenage years, finding this product with the help of a colonic therapist has literally transformed how I feel. I struggled to go to the loo once a week and have gone 3 weeks without going, needless to say I felt terrible with constant headaches, depression among other things. My diet is pretty good and I am health conscious but can admit I probably don't drink enough water, since I started taking thissupplement I feel great and can recommend it to anyone who lives with constipation.

Mr. J. Miller

Arrived Monday morning...Took 1st Cap monday night...Nothing happened Tuesday..Took another tuesday night...6.50am all hell broke loose..problem was i didn`t get out of bed until 6.55am (just kidding). Overall very effective capsules...Would recommend. Ok, now i`ve finished the 1st bottle..2 at night and 1 1st thing in the morning. I have to say these are great and i would highly recommend. I`m just about to order another bottle. I have noticed on the odd occasion i do get a little stomach cramping, but apart from this minor niggle, 100% great. What i ate yesterday, leaves me within 24 hours. Although I haven`t lost any weight, my body fat is down around 2% in a month. I haven`t changed my diet or training schedule atall. All abdominal bloating has ceased, my wife says my skin is looking healthier and i feel pretty good in general. Hope this little bit of info helps you decide whether or not to purchase.


I have suffered from constiaption/bloating/flatulence for many years. I came across this product and i have to say its excellent. I take 1 tablet 3 times a day. 3 days a go i was 8.5st and now im 8.1st. I never leave reviews but this is excellent. I feel lighter, healthier and im full of energy. even my fiance has noticed my weight loss which is an added bonus.