Biomaximo All-In-One Colon Cleanser Fórmula Vegan
Review: 5 - "A masterpiece of literature" by , written on May 4, 2006
I really enjoyed this book. It captures the essential challenge people face as they try make sense of their lives and grow to adulthood.
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Biomaximo All-In-One Colon Cleanser Fórmula Vegan

About All-In-One Colon Cleanser Vegan Formula

Biomaxim All-In-One Colon Cleanser is a fibre-based colon cleanser, detoxification, and weight loss formula. This natural solution was formulated to address issues such as constipation, body waste cleansing, and shape-up support. Our easy-to-take powder formula also includes psyllium husks, glucomannan, sugar beet fibre, probiotics, prebiotics, gut-soothing herbs, L-Glutamine, and stevia leaf extract.

Aside from its high-profile nutritional benefits, sugar Beet fibre plays an important role in increasing the faecal bulk through two mechanisms. Firstly, the insoluble components of the fibre absorb water in the large intestine, expanding the faecal mass. Secondly, the soluble components are fermented by bacteria in the large intestine, resulting in an overall increase in bacterial mass. As such, this fibre source may offer notable physiological benefits for individuals seeking to enhance or sustain normal bowel function.

Also, Biomaximo's unique formula offers a wide range of nutrients and a high content of fibre, making it an ideal choice for long-term use as a bowel cleanser and detoxifier. It functions as a cell wall repair agent and an effective formula for maintaining a healthy colon. Furthermore, it helps with weight loss, supported by scientific evidence with EFSA-approved health claims.

Beneficial for:

  • Bowel wall cleansing
  • Normal bowel function
  • Fibre intake
  • Digestive bulk
  • Gut wall repair and protection
  • Levels of gut microflora
  • Detoxification
  • Healthy digestion
  • Increased peristalsis
  • Immune system support
  • Satiety / appetite control
  • Weight loss

About All-In-One Colon Cleanser Vegan Formula

Biomaxim All-In-One Colon Cleanser is a fibre-based colon cleanser, detoxification, and weight loss formula. This natural solution was formulated to address issues such as constipation, body waste cleansing, and shape-up support. Our easy-to-take powder formula also includes psyllium husks, glucomannan, sugar beet fibre, probiotics, prebiotics, gut-soothing herbs, L-Glutamine, and stevia leaf extract.

Aside from its high-profile nutritional benefits, sugar Beet fibre plays an important role in increasing the faecal bulk through two mechanisms. Firstly, the insoluble components of the fibre absorb water in the large intestine, expanding the faecal mass. Secondly, the soluble components are fermented by bacteria in the large intestine, resulting in an overall increase in bacterial mass. As such, this fibre source may offer notable physiological benefits for individuals seeking to enhance or sustain normal bowel function.

Also, Biomaximo's unique formula offers a wide range of nutrients and a high content of fibre, making it an ideal choice for long-term use as a bowel cleanser and detoxifier. It functions as a cell wall repair agent and an effective formula for maintaining a healthy colon. Furthermore, it helps with weight loss, supported by scientific evidence with EFSA-approved health claims.

Beneficial for:

  • Bowel wall cleansing
  • Normal bowel function
  • Fibre intake
  • Digestive bulk
  • Gut wall repair and protection
  • Levels of gut microflora
  • Detoxification
  • Healthy digestion
  • Increased peristalsis
  • Immune system support
  • Satiety / appetite control
  • Weight loss

1 serving = 5g (1 heaped teaspoon) Take 30 minutes before a meal. Add 1 to 2 teaspoons of powder (5g to 10g) to a small amount of water or juice (¼ of a glass). Mix slowly in all directions until it turns into a smoothe paste. Stir as you add more liquid until glass is full. Drink immediately and then follow with another glass of liquid. Take 1 to 3 times daily.

NOTE: Taking without water can cause choking. Try to use a minimum of 250ml liquid per 1 heaped teaspoon.

This pot contains a food grade approved silica gel sachet to maintain product quality after opening. Not to be eaten.

Store in a cool dry place out of reach of children. Replace lid after use to maintain freshness. Best consumed within 3 months of opening.



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Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews

have been consuming this product for over a year now and it has settled my ibs to a point where without it i would suffer..i absolutely recommend this product to anyone who needs that balance in thier has also enabled me to balance my weight from 17st 3lbs to 16 st in around 10 months without a real excercise program started yet..this to me is the real deal..


As always, this company come up with the very best products. This is the best thing I have ever used for colon cleansing as it creates a very clean stool with hardly any need to wipe. I used to buy products online from the States until I found this company and now I buy all my supplements here.


I find this product and many others from this company fantastic. I couldn't do with out them so much that as I am going away for three months I have ordered enough to take with me. I also really reccomend the organic green powder and the probiotics. Also their advice is very valuable. Thank you.


This product is much easier to take/swallow than just plain psyllium husks because it is flavoured very slightly with mint. It has also some other beneficial ingredients included. I would recommend this product to anybody who is suffering from sluggish bowels. The product was sent to me very swiftly.

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews

have been consuming this product for over a year now and it has settled my ibs to a point where without it i would suffer..i absolutely recommend this product to anyone who needs that balance in thier has also enabled me to balance my weight from 17st 3lbs to 16 st in around 10 months without a real excercise program started yet..this to me is the real deal..


As always, this company come up with the very best products. This is the best thing I have ever used for colon cleansing as it creates a very clean stool with hardly any need to wipe. I used to buy products online from the States until I found this company and now I buy all my supplements here.


I find this product and many others from this company fantastic. I couldn't do with out them so much that as I am going away for three months I have ordered enough to take with me. I also really reccomend the organic green powder and the probiotics. Also their advice is very valuable. Thank you.


This product is much easier to take/swallow than just plain psyllium husks because it is flavoured very slightly with mint. It has also some other beneficial ingredients included. I would recommend this product to anybody who is suffering from sluggish bowels. The product was sent to me very swiftly.